Tuesday, 13 September 2011


"... cynicism and distrust do not equal apathy. Participation ... is like an unused muscle, it atrophies, and so with adequate exercise it can be strengthened."
From an essay I wrote, quoting Dr Lyn Carson (see earlier post)


GRASSROOTS: Growing Local Democracy – a public forum

Throughout Australia, as for much of the western democratic world, many people are disillusioned with governments and disengaged from the political process. This is a creeping malaise, according to Graeme Gibson, which eats away at the fabric of society. Mr Gibson, who is organising GRASSROOTS, a public forum on local democracy, says that while Australia’s system of representative democracy has served us well, it’s in need of some support.

‘Voting every three or four years is stable and reliable but people need more regular opportunities to have a meaningful say on important issues,” Mr Gibson said. “People like to be taken seriously and to know that they, or other citizens, have the opportunity to be involved. Deliberative democracy, a proactive process for involving large or small groups of people in the policy making process is one such way.

 “And the best place to start strengthening democracy is the local level,” Mr Gibson said, “the level closest to the people. Enormous benefits are possible when people and their elected representatives find opportunities to work together to jointly solve problems.

“The GRASSROOTS forum is about democracy, not politics,” said Mr Gibson. “A panel of speakers will present their ideas about people engaging in decision making, community engagement and less adversarial approaches, particularly at the local level. People will then have the opportunity to discuss these ideas and make some decisions about how this could be put into practice at the local level.

Mr Gibson said the forum is open to all and he is hoping for a broad range of people from throughout the community. Robbie Collins, Head of the University of Wollongong Shoalhaven campus will chair the forum. Ms Collins says she is willing to chair the forum because she thinks “it’s great when each of us goes about finding positive ways an individual can make a difference.”

The forum will start at 7pm but there will be food, music and the opportunity to meet and talk with others from 6pm, Mr Gibson said. “The forum will be engaging, stimulating and memorable. A night to celebrate good ideas.”

GRASSROOTS: Growing Local Democracy
Nowra School of Arts, Berry Street Nowra
Wednesday 28th September, from 6pm for a 7pm start

For more information contact Graeme Gibson: Ph: 4441 8885, 0408  676 550

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